Monday, October 19, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I went to see Lady Gagagaga's concert, she is so creepy.

My cat died last Thursday, his name was L.J. I've had him since I was 9 years old and sometimes I cry late at night because I miss him. He lived a good life, I know he died happy.
I just had my 19th birthday, accidently drank almost an entire bottle of Grey Goose, but my family and friends made my day amazing.

Things to work on:
1. Bettering my posture.
2. Walking better in my pumps.

You know who you are: Sometimes I just want to check up on how your life is doing, because I honestly do miss you. I've seen a few bitter things said toward my direction and I want you to know that you are highly mistaken to think I need to "get better" or that you somehow are a victim. I have realized some problems I had with MYSELF and changed them, I am back to who I used to be. You leaving my life had nothing at all to do with my rehabilitation, so please stop lying and acting like you were a good friend towards the end. I recently found out that when the end was coming and I was devastated, you couldn't have cared less about me or the situation our strong friendship was put in. I don't hope the best for you, though I do still love you and I miss you and what we had. I haven't been this happy and content in a really long time, and sometimes it seems like the only thing missing in my life is you. You say I'm weak, you say it's my fault. I disagree, I am stronger than I've ever been and the reason we're not what we were is your fault. You make me sick to think I did anything wrong to you. If I saw you I'd spit in your face.